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Companies forms & Taxes of France


If one wants to operate economic trade in France, then the most common limited partnerships are the Sociedad Anonime (S.A.) and the Sociedad à Responsabilitè (S.A.R.L.). To the establishment strict regulations within the range bookkeeping, management and possession portions apply for a S.A..

Für die Gründung einer S.A.R.L. gibt es keine strengen Vorschriften, darum wird die S.A.R.L.(Limited company by shares) auch von kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmungen bevorzugt. The establishment of a S.A.R.L. made by legal persons, limits the personal adhesion and protects the own fortune.


The French S.A.R.L. is obligated to the tax delivery. The corporation tax amounts to approx. 35%. France has those with Germany and many other countries "double taxation agreements" agreed upon to prevent that French entrepreneurs can be obligated to the double tax delivery.


For the establishment of a S.A.R.L. one needs a company name, which must be approved by the authorities, the establishment statutes, at least one shareholder, at least one capital stock of € 7,625, - (as registered shares to be spent with a minimum share value at a value of € 15.25) and company registered office. Management is led of one or more natural persons 'Gèrants'(Directoren). An annual balance must be provided, which does not have to be kept always.


A strong economy and a stable democracy possesses
Full member is in the European community, constant member in the World Security Council and in the UN
An excellent infrastructure possesses
With the establishment of a French S.A.R.L. one limits the personal adhesion to a minimum
A solidarity tax and no church tax does not have

Costs & availability

Cost a S.A.R.L. depend on the individual analysis of the client needs and the fast shifting of the innovatively cut firm construction.After the preparations are final for the establishment of a S.A.R.L., permission and entries take still approx. 14 days.


Companies forms & Taxes (France)