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Registration, planning, utilization of your inventions
 | Intensive consultation to the market chances of your idea
|  | Patent consultation
|  | Assistance & support with patent searches
|  | Assistance & support with announcing the patent right or the mark
|  | Determination of the promotion possibilities for your project
|  | Assistance & support when planning & development of the patent
|  | Production of a Businessplans
|  | Choice of the formation
|  | Assistance & support in the sales
|  | Patent presentation meetings |


Dept 706, 78- Marylebone High Street
London W1U 5AP
United Kingdom
0044-(0)20-7127 6252 

Cardiff No. 4677041
United Kingdom 

Monday to Thursday
10.00 am to 03.00 pm
10.00 am to 01.00 pm 